Subject to change. Please refer to Facebook Group and/or facebook message group for updates.
04/08/2024 | Hike: Mt Macedon | Location: Mt. Macedon, leaving from Nona Lee Sports Center at 9.30AM |
07/08/2024 | Welcome Dinner | TBA, Likely: The Clyde, Carlton |
25/08/2024 | Lion Bushido Karate Tournament | Annual LBKT is upon us! Prepare to challenge yourself |
31/08/2024 | GAMES Night | A games night with other Melbourne Uni Martial Arts clubs, to be held at social spaces A and B at Melbourne Uni |
TBA | AGM and Grading 3 | Re-election of committee, anyone can run for a committee position! |
A range of events are ahead! We in the committee are keen to spend more time working on both our skills in the dojo, as well as having some fun outside of this training. Keep across the latest updates on our facebook page or in our group chat (a committee member will need to add you to the group chat).